Sunday, December 24, 2017

At Least You Are Alive

Oh poor you. You lost so much.
Stop thinking this way and put it into perspective.

It doesn't matter because you are still alive. The woman above suffered a severe stroke.

That is what I mean about perspective. It doesn't matter what you lost. You didn't lose your life. You are lucky. A lot of people do lose their life.

Life has twists and turns. Yours took the biggest turn ever. So, make the biggest twist ever. Get used to your "new you" then go forward. Be a good example for others with similar conditions. Show them what to do.

*Personally, I couldn't talk, move, or see. I now see with both eyes, although my left eye is more consistent. I move some. I used my left hand to type this. I use an electric wheelchair. I speak some and am mostly understood.