Friday, January 5, 2018

Start Now

"Recovery occurs for the rest of your life." (1:11 ) 

I got an answer I didn't expect. It was something like, "But it's been over 20 years." It was like, 'too much time has passed. Why should I bother?'

Forget that which was being said 20 years ago about brain recovery. Some might still be saying that. The brain continues to grow and recover the whole life.

20 years could have passed since your injury. You can still start now.


  1. Well, I'm most off alone (20 yrs post injury). I've been all but alone. Won't you write?

    1. Well hello, I'm 20 years post. Was a carweck in 86 in Pasadena, CA. The guy driving got off easy as he died, the four others weren't really hurt but they and everyone else left me.
      Now I'm at a great private group home in Cleveland (Shaker Heights) but I have no friends. I et people from the state to take me about and my new people do as well.
      I've finished three colleges in 20 some years with just 6 Associate degrees all the while being alone.
      Please give response?
      Eric Olson

  2. I have 60 entries on this, n over 300 in
    I also friended.

  3. Oh sorry, I'm Eric Olson, in Shaker Heights, Ohio. My injury was in LA where I used to live. I started from a nursery school after my mom died. She took care of me.
    She found the place I'm at now just before she kicked.

  4. I'm all alone with my only "friend" coffee! Please don't get too supportive.

  5. Good evening, I'm 20 years ptbi from a car wreck in 86. I'm in Cleveland but the injury was in Pasadena, ca. I'm all alone 'cept for the great people who've adopted me- TLC home in Shaker Heights, oh. Pgr.
