Monday, May 16, 2016

You Are In Crisis And You Are In The Middle

There is little for the middle class in an emergency. You make too much to qualify for government assistance. You are not rich, either. What do you do when a medical emergency strikes? It happened to me. Luckily, I've worked in a program eligibility and I have economics background.

"Quality rehabilitation is in short supply at a few major centres, and in the US, those lucky enough to gain entry have their length of stay curtailed by reimbursement criteria that limit the amount and duration of care. Instead, patients are subjected to what is called ‘medical necessity’ or the improvement standard, where ongoing rehabilitative care ceases to be provided if improvement is not demonstrated in a timly fashion."

I initially kept my work insurance under COBRA, and used the SSDI to pay the premium. COBRA is national. For the monthly payment you will need the whole SSDI/SSI check. Insurance is pretty steep. Any extra money can pay bills, rent, or other needed cost. Most bills are headed for collections now as the last payment was missed due to the incident. Pick what you need first and pay on that. Don't worry about bad credit as you are now in crisis mode. "Crisis" will be your answer if questioned later. There is no argument.

The person in need may have to live with a friend, loved one, or family member, if he or she is not hospitalized. "Caregiving" may be reimbursable. This will be important, some mileage will be reimbursed by Social Security. Get that pre-approved and in writing. The person would have to have Social Security.

The work insurance will pay more on surgeries and will probably offer needed therapy longer than the government minimum that is given in government insurance. Keep this work insurance as long as possible. This therapy after surgery is needed and is crucial for "come back." I could only keep my insurance a few months after my surgery. New rules would make it longer now.

...In the middle
But me and Cinderella
We put it all together
We can drive it home
With one headlight

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