Sunday, July 24, 2016

I Remember That Song!

That beginning quote is about savant syndrome. Savant syndrome can be caused by a brain injury, but cognitive skills can be magnified. All the other issues exist. Such is my case. I'm smart as a whip, but only use the one finger this is typed with. Music is seen as a "healer" in savant syndrome. That is only one type of brain injury. Music should be applied to all brain injury.

Music As a Healer

The music of the savant is delightful in its own right, and we are its beneficiaries. But it has a healing aspect to it also for the savant himself or herself. The 60 Minutes program title “Musically Speaking” is an apt one, for as that program demonstrates, and as Soundscape documents, music provides for the savant the “conduit toward normalization,” particularly language acquisition, that I address elsewhere on this site. Recent research documents that musical exposure can increase verbal memory, and with it, language acquisition. With that increased language skill comes increased social skills as well,

Music works for other areas.

Music therapy can do this part shown in the video, because the whole therapy is taking a long time to approve,
I recommend singing for speech problems. "Breath from the diaphragm." I didn't get that advice from speech therapy, but yrs ago from grade school music  (Hint: if you are not producing sound when trying to speak, it MIGHT be breathing. It's not always, but there is a good chance.) 

SOCIAL SKILLS come as well. "Recent research documents that musical exposure can increase verbal memory, and with it, language acquisition. With that increased language skill comes increased social skills as well"

I find the following interesting. Music is used for cognition. It is used to bring back memory and function. This movie is based on a true story. In it, the main character does not speak or function without a certain music playing in the background.

"You know how you hear a song, and it places you back in that moment you fell in love with it?"

I quoted the trailer, but the music therapist takes it further.

I have an idea. Television played a big part in my life and most people I know. My idea is to use old television theme songs. They may bring up long forgotten memories. Here are some. You may add more in the comments.


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